What? Why the hell should SEO agencies do that? A quick look
at the road ahead for SEO will tell you why it is a survival of the “most
SEO as we know is so different from the one we knew 5 years back and it will be totally different 5 years from now. How exactly it will shape up depends on God and Google! But what we do know are certain trends that will go on to form the edifice of tomorrow’s SEO. So what are they
1. Google
will be your personal search Tailor: Google has already recognized that
every person on earth is different and thus needs a tailor-made search result.
The always-logged-in devices will keep pouring in megabytes of data about every
person, so Google can customize to its heart’s content.
2. Internet
should be and will be about PEOPLE: And not machines, crawlers or submitted
links. A bond has to be established between people and Institutions for content
to gain some authority.
It is keeping in view of the above 2 factors ( and several others), that I feel SEO agencies should now look at transforming into Relationship Building organizations. The sub questions for this are,
2. Can your content writer actually blog and build a real-world relationship with other bloggers?
3. Can you wear a creative hat and come up with awesome content ideas that fuel the brand itself and not just a targeted keyword link?
4. Are you (or your SEO agency) willing to meet the real customer and understand his language and preferences instead of sitting endlessly on keyword mining apps?
And the last one is like the image alt text for the main
5. Are PR Firms capable of delivering more
effective SEO results for a brand?
Well, PR firms are most naturally positioned to build
relationships. But are they ready to add all the technical capabilities
required of an SEO agency?
We truly are living in exciting times!